fredag 8 juni 2007

Things I do on Monday morning at 3:07am

Just thought i'd drop by my LJ and write a few quick notes:1) Watched the fianle of "Angels in America" and came to the realization that although I'm not the "most smartest" or worldly of fellows, I DO get turned on by spectacular writing. I'm very jealous of those who possess the talent to put pen to paper and convey wit, emotion and truth. 2) At 3:07am snow falling on the city has become my favorite natural occurence. Fresh snow, especially the heavy wet stuff (with staying power) can make everything stand still for just a moment. Quite, clean and uncomplicated. I'm sure it'll be chaos by morning.3) No matter the age, I'm sure anyone who stays up past their bedtime encounters a period (although brief) wherein everything seems utterly funny, no matter how lame. Exhibit (A) for the courtroom.Night, Night Y'all.

6 kommentarer:

themasonsi6australian10 sa... I don't write the stuff, I just report it.Yours, etc.,Donatello Nobatti Director of Top Secret Strategy

yellojellocomics734yahoocom sa...

http://www.blackpeopleloveus.comI believe the next move is yours.

migueaanhocirvolhl sa...

ok, take THIS: heh heh

vivawj40061 sa... IT, LEARN IT!

themasonsin8ustralia2a sa...

I bow to the master

themasonsin8ustralia2a sa...

I bow to the master