torsdag 21 juni 2007

Panick Stricken

For the second time in less than a year the Provincial Government has declared Nova Scotia as being in a “state of emergency”What does this mean for God fearing folk along the eastern coast?Well that depends on who you ask. For most it means slower service (if any at all) from their local Tim Horton’s, an interruption in cable/internet services and possibly a loss of power. To others it’s a time to get on the phone and start calling anyone that will listen to how hard you’ve got it. I love the city of Halifax as much as the next guy, and for the most part people really do pull together in a time of crisis, and in fact become much friendlier over all. Perhaps out of fear being “the straw that broke the camels back”.However, there is still the undeniable percentage of the general public that at the slightest bit of inconvenience becomes complete and utter assholes!Case in point; I work at the IWK Health Centre, as a switchboard operator (Sounds thrilling I know). As a switchboard operator we are the central nervous system for the entire hospital, literally. Processing all calls patients/emergency/doctors, you name it we get it! If my ass weren’t in this chair you wouldn’t be getting the medical attention that you need…(Talk about a God complex)Call after call each individual believes, that beyond a shadow of a doubt, their emergency is more dire than the last. I understand that when people are faced with an emergency situation they become a tad bit panicked, losing direction, general thought and apparently all common sense But come on’ people, throw me a frickin’ bone here! Take a deep breathe, listen to my voice, it shall guide you. We don’t need to hear about your grocery list, what the dog did on the carpet or who stopped by for tea and crumpets. Get to the point! All we need is a name or a department, and with angelic contentment in my voice I will transfer your call.There are literally hundreds of workers throughout the city of Halifax trying their best to help things run as smoothly as possible. It’s not anyone’s fault that Mother Nature is throwing a tantrum, we all just need to deal, and by doing so I mean step your big fat ass back away from the phone! Sit tight, eat another ding dong and everything will be alright.This has been a public service announcement brought to you by me!

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