fredag 22 juni 2007

Street Prophets

For those of you just tuning in…It’s 2am on the east coast and I think the snow has stopped. It’s hard to tell, as the winds are still pretty strong causing blowing snow and what looks like gigantic swirls of dessert topping to manifest on street corners.It’s amazing how a province can be declared a “state of emergency” and yet appears more beautiful than ever. I suppose even the darkest of days look much brighter when blanketed with white. The sound of my breathing and the literal growl of the wind is what I thought would keep me company this morning, but the white paths, once roadways, were spotted with dark silhouettes of other nite time folk. I’m not sure why they were out, perhaps they had to be to work as well, maybe boredom/curiosity had lead them to the streets. One gentleman I passed acted as an un-official weather forecaster announcing that the storm should lift by 4 or 6am…. I hope he’s right.

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