fredag 15 juni 2007

Strumming in my brain

I’m hooked, yet again on a female musician
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I am aware that musical taste is to each his/her own.
However, this sassy gal shall not be denied!

Prepare for the parting of the air, the breath….

Leslie Feist:

11 kommentarer:

thestang sa...

hey, noticed you added zoltrixso I looked at your LJ and added you, too:) +++

fortheonesilove sa...

greetings, senor. the thing about adding me as a friend is that i tend to notice, while checking lj in the late afternoon on a saturday, two glasses of merlot past four, and i go back through the applicant's entries in an attempt to discover all i can. to be prepared for the vast array of knowledge i now possess about you, i recommend you do the same. .... actually, i'm completely kidding. i only read back forty entries ... welcome aboard! you must tell me only one thing, and that is how did you find me? 95% of my entries are friend's only...

onehopefulstar sa...

I found your LJ how you ask?......I hunted you down completely by scent and and a few stay hairs left.... well lets forget about that for now. It was by mere coincidence that I found your LJ.I was on a reading frenzy and stumbled across your link from anothers was a "link me all over" situation, I liked what I was reading and presto you were added. Thanks muchly for the welcome!

raiblirdcentral13 sa...

Somebody linked me? If I recall, don't I get a substantial fee for that? ...oh, wait ....You're welcome. And also, I wasn't kidding. I did read all your entries. :-p

duiwrnlynch54yahoocom sa...

and without a moment to spare tres_faux (thats you) pounced upon the newcomer, careful not to kill him all at once, but instead to let him suffer slowly, silently and alone. Are you sitting there waiting for replies to your posts, you're very efficent my friend.

shonkwoc sa...

hey there issokay, thanks for the interest in my LJ. Seeing as how one good turn deserves another I too shall add you to my friends list, by the time we've all played "link around the rosey" I'm sure we'll all realise that we're long lost family's hoping your wealthy!cheers!

tyaladieswehyahoocom sa...

your initial sentence is for the most part correct, but generally i tie up and blind the newcomer, for i wouldn't want him to know that i had a boyfriend, though he would usually discover that via the different cocks in his mouth. i mean ...errrrr.

u6banimager30 sa...


gioastesax sa...

I was terrified and then elated after reading your reply. At first i thought it said "fuck you like a bear-trap", now i'm no expert but something tells me that i'd be more likely to reach for the blind fold. And is this just you and your boyfriend or a bunch of party guests as wellRSVP: as i will need to know if streching exercises are necessary.

armencho sa...

Actually, it's none of the above. It's really just a horde (dare I say murder?) of robots with extremely large appendages. And I don't mean toes.

tobyspit sa...

awww shucks, and i'm all rusty!