onsdag 13 juni 2007

Everyone has a story

At the age of 27 I’m feeling like a shell. Empty.I have yet to experience or to contribute to anything that holds any real meaning.Caught up in the “better body, better mind” movement, thinking I would be happier with a personal change, I joined a local gym. I enjoy going to the gym as an outlet to releases pent up energy or aggression (especially after work). And I do enjoy seeing the physical changes as time passes, however this is still not quite what I was looking for.Thinking that perhaps I could find fulfillment within others, I tried branching out into “the community”, to no avail. I’m meeting guys that are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Seemingly nice average guys, dreams, goals, aspirations, and lots to talk about. But screw that! Let’s try to get into your pants instead, not exactly a fulfilling situation.I don’t want to come off as a whiner or a constant complainer; I generally have a pretty good life. I’ve had my up’s & downs like many others and for the most part have broken even, actually…. looking back I’ve fared pretty damn well I’d say.Divorced parentsBi-Polar Mother Workaholic FatherA slew of “prospective mom/dad” replacements“Survivor” of childhood molestation (ages 9 – 11)2 Attempted suicides Being GayI hate to include “being gay” in the category of trials and tribulations. Being gay is just being gay. I feel I’ve lived just as much as the next guy, or at least up until this point in my life. I just want to feel like I’ve accomplished something that’s all. Perhaps I need to become a Big Brother (do they let gays do that?), help advance sustainable living in a third world country or join a “kabutz” (I believe this is mostly a Jewish tradition). I have no idea what to do, or where to start but something’s gotta give. So keep your eyes open, yours truly is making a dash for something better…..

13 kommentarer:

cosfunedinilbur sa...

Welcome to the 1/4 life crisis. Population me, and everyone else I know. :-)

howhypemtensiveari72yahoocom sa...

It's official then, I'm now part of a sadly recgonized demographic. Is there a "group" for us folk? or do i just start saving towards that car with the convertible top?

imasesdegioxyahoocom sa...

no, that's still the 1/2 way mark prize. For the 1/4 mark just inundate yourself with hard drugs and lots of anonymous sex. Then let me know what it's like. :-P

nulirch10 sa...

Perfect! I’ve always wanted to be Courtney Love when I grew up, now’s my chance!Is there a preferred cosmetic for covering up track marks on ones arm?

the1pickle sa...

Cover yourself in slightly underage boys.

hoerisshea sa...

I should have known, a guy with all the answers ; )

hoerisshea sa...

I should have known, a guy with all the answers ; )

nancyrross sa...

*sigh*, just with a lack of slightly underage boys.

doreengreya7dmin3 sa...

I hear that Kathy Lee Gifford is having an open house...or is that open shop. regardless I'm sure she has something to suit everyone.

theboiofhappienss72 sa...

there's plenty of underage boys in Kathy Lee's sweat, errr, open shop. and welcome to the jungle.my story? i'm an abuse survivor too. there's a lot more to my story but you'll have to wait for the mini-series.

joshinya sa...

i too was going to opt out for a mini series but i was geting a headache from all the queens that wanted to portray me in the NBC family drama...After hearing Elijah Wood and Danny Pintauro having a slap fight I knew it was time to take my story elsewhere. now i shall be potrayed by Nadia Comaneci. I'm not quite sure how we'll work in all the hand springs and paralell bar routines she wants to do, but I'm looking forward to working with her regardless.

nulirch10 sa...

Sorry, I have an exclusive contract with Elijah Wood. He's mine, he's my presssssscious.

nulirch10 sa...

Sorry, I have an exclusive contract with Elijah Wood. He's mine, he's my presssssscious.