måndag 2 juli 2007

I'm tired of over thinking

If you love someone, you love someone.
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What things do people give up within them selves for the sake of love?

Do you just forget about how someone can push your buttons?
Dismiss their unkempt ways?
If you have different social views, do you bend?
When cultural affairs vary, should you sway?
When jealousy, lies and infidelity are sprinkled throughout a relationship,
do you turn a blind eye?
Should opinions of family and friends make you think?
Is loving someone unconditionally the only way to love?

I’m trying to move on but my head and this city are too small, voices follow you around every corner. Like a bruise, it hurts to touch but something keeps drawing me back.
Will I always want to go to back to what I’ve known as home?

“…. I'd get on the freewayKeep driving 'til next TuesdayAnd put a thousand milesBetween us, or moreBut I know that's not possibleAll the streets here run in circlesI wouldn't even make itOut of the core…..”
-Martina Sobara

2 kommentarer:

juu4yuk7yahoocom sa...

Time to move back to where you were really loved by everyone....Edmonton....Forget the past, make a new future and see your old friends again....You know your always welcome out here and if ya need a place to stay for a while your more than welcome here. (our new place).... So how about it?

kcoihcmh sa...

Jay you rock, absolutely!Thanks for the offer big guy, as crazy as an idea it is, moving almost sounds completely sane. I've thought about going to Toronto to give my kid sister a break...runnig away is a bad idea, but at times it sounds like the best solution.